Monday, November 28, 2011

Breaking Winter

Singing, humming, dancing. Dancing around in circles, smiles on her face, laughter in the air.

Crashes comes crashing down.

Fury, what can I say? I ride her waters, creating a current awakened, ready to be unveiled in any given moment.

Sweet, so sugar sweet. Running my tongue along marble, sculptured into elegance, envy of feeling grace within cathedrals, angles singing down and light creating transcendence.

Maybe one day, I'll find my grace point. And I will engage beauty. I wouldn't trade places for a moment. Pulling along my lip gloss fiends for a good time.

He says I'm in the 30's crowd. I bite my tongue. Because he explains, on his bright side, it's better than the 50s crowd. I wanna ask him what the fuck crowd he thinks he's in.

It's my old hands that makes them think I'm 30. They betray me. They forgot who we are.

I don't even know what I want anymore. Fairytale endings and magical holidays. I want happiness and peaceful thoughts. I want the chaos to slow down for me to run my fingers into the water, to breathe in deeply and taste the sweet sunset. I want the headaches to go away. I want to smile more; I want more of a reason to smile. I want more time. I want to time to find the words. I want to not be bubble gum pink, but emerald cut sapphire blue.

You're not going to get the best of me. Not that the best of me was ever desired.

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