Sunday, December 4, 2011

Love letter

Don't you feel like your treading in open water? Isn't it painful that I cannot fully let you in? Frankly, it's painful to me -painful like icicles through my heart. Me - masochistic - I welcome that kind of thing.

Sometimes, you read my mind. But I never tell you. I keep my warm secrets safe, tucked away from you. For instance, I just considered suggesting kindly with a nudge that you touch me. And I fought back said consideration. And not a moment later, your hand is on my leg, on my foot. You're so casual. It doesn't take effort for you to reach out to me.

It takes me moving glaciers to reach out to you, to get off of it, whatever I'm on. I like how you just push through my coolness with your warmth. You won't let me stay cold. Reel me in, hold me close and make me warm.

You have a big heart, so generous and caring. You take my faults. I want you to fight me. Yet you always fight for me. And I don't want that. I don't want to let you.

I'm the sea monster. You're the boat captain.

I'm the siren. You're the boat captain.

I'm the rocky shore. You're the boat captain.

In any scenario, I will always be the catalyst of your demise, don't you see? And you're okay with this.

Perhaps I should just let go and love. Easy, hmm? Easy when you're the kind of guy who is so easy to love? But how easy then when I'm the kind of girl who finds loving so difficult?

I don't know how to thank you for your patience with me. How patience should be unnecessary, yet with me, required. Thank you for your warmth, crushing my ice princess heart.

And I'm sorry. One day, hopefully soon, I'll find my apple warm cinnamon girl again.

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